When you send in a comment, complaint or even a suggestion to them is a waste.

If your an obsessive risk player like me you’ll wanna get the 7 dollar thing which allows you to play an infinite amount of games without having to wait for your tokens to return(also gives access to multiple more maps) but if you are playing two games of risk or less per day then I’d say don’t but it and just wait for your tokens to regen. (And there are multiple maps too so you could dominate Boston, the United States, and Europe in loads of different maps) This game solves my passion for risk in two ways: gets my friends to play with me and gets totally random people to play with me so there is never a shortage of games to play. This, along with auto setup(optional) did away with the boring parts of risk and got to the fun stuff quick-world domination. With a colorful scheme and a game mechanic called “blitz”, (a new way of attacking) you can do away with the tedious dice rolling that stretched the hours of regular risk. However, when I found this my friends suddenly got more intrigued.

I love playing risk and an always looking to do more of it, but unfortunately none of my friends share my enthusiasm, as the game has a playing time of upwards of two hours. Please make the computer in online much more sophisticated so that the games remain competitive and fair when some one quits mid game. My issue is I didn’t lose because the human player out strategized me, but rather because the computer player was in la la land with its head up its a-s.

The computer proceeded to consistently attack territories in Asia and corner me in Australia by stacking surrounding territories with high troop counts, while my human opponent was absolutely running away with the game! To make matters worse, the human opponent left some continents with little protection and the computer still didn’t attack one single territory to reduce the bonus troops for the human opponent. The human opponent had at one point, four continents under full control, I had one (Australia) and the computer had its troops spread over Asia with out control of the full continent. A computer controlled, a human opponent and myself. I was just playing an online match and it was between three players. Game is well designed and rating would be five stars except for one fatal flaw! In online, when a player quits and the computer takes over, the computer needs to be more logical and sophisticated.