Click on Video Add-ons -> Exodus or any other addon you wish to setup and press install.Wait until you see the add-on enabled notification.Choose ‘Install from Zip file’ -> Kodil.Click on the Package Installer Icon at the top left corner.From the Kodi homescreen, select Addons.Select None and then enter the following path without the quotes “”.From here, go to File Manager -> Add Source.Now go back to the Kodi homescreen, and click on the ‘Settings’ icon.Launch your Kodi app and then go to ‘Settings’ -> ‘System’ -> Addons.If you’re already running Kodi 18 Leia, follow the instructions below to install Exodus. If you haven’t yet updated your Kodi from 17.4 to 18, check these instructions. Exodus is a third-party addon banned by the official Kodi community. Disclaimer: The tutorial below is strictly intended for educational purposes.